Divine Operaloids


Welcome to the Voicebank page... Please read the terms shown here.
Contact me in Twitter: @LoreaMStudios
Or deviantart: LoreaMStudios.
Voicebank Terms of Use
When publishing work using this voicebank, you are required to state the name of this voicebank.
You are required to state the name of this voicebank's author.
When attributing the name or author of this voicebank, you must write the names exactly as written above. You cannot call the voicebank by any other name, nor can you attribute the voicebank to any other author.
Usage Content
Seek author permission to create sexual content.
Seek author permission to create violent content.
Seek author permission to create political content.
Seek author permission to create religious content.
The following types of content are unconditionally prohibited:
- Criminal or illegal content
- Explicit underage sexual content
- Bigotry and hateful content
Commercial Use
You cannot use this voicebank commercially. All usage of this voicebank must be strictly non-commercial.
You are only permitted to clean or enhance this voicebank's audio. You cannot edit the audio in any other way.
You are free to edit any configuration files, such as oto.ini or FRQ files.
Before this voicebank is discontinued, you are free to redistribute part or whole of this voicebank in any way, with or without edits, as long as you correctly attribute the voicebank name and author, and clearly state any changes you have made.
After this voicebank is discontinued, you cannot redistribute it.
You are free to share rendered singing vocals created with this voicebank.

2016-2019 Divine Operaloids. All rights reserved,
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